Omar Hamida
Electronic signature, also known as e-signature can be simply described as a signature in electronic form. E-signature provides the approval and signing of the terms of a document electronically in the same manner as wet signature. Its only difference from wet signature is that it resides in an electronic environment such as the Internet. Thanks to electronic signatures, it is highly convenient to verify the identity of the person signing the document, certificate authority and security services.
With many e-signatures, companies can obtain legal approval via computer or smartphone while interviewing a representative. Thanks to their efficiency and customer experience advantages, they are more preferrable than wet signatures. Still, the details of e-signature legal requirements depend on the particular region and jurisdiction.
There are many ways to create an electronic signature. Primarily, e-signatures can be obtained corporately and individually. For official purposes, it may be necessary to apply various methods to verify your identity.
For example, it is possible to get an e-signature by sending some official documents belonging to you or your company through some applications and channels on the internet. Nevertheless, this method may not have official value. Especially in various countries such as Turkiye, it may be possible to obtain an official e-signature by submitting your personal documents to the relevant government institutions.
E-signature requirements vary per country. Although can obtain an e-signature over the Internet, whether it has any official value will depend on different factors. For instance, a website called DocuSign grants users the right to get e-signatures for free. After uploading the necessary documents and a copy of your wet signature on paper, your e-signature is ready. In addition, Microsoft has miscellaneous e-signature applications. Still, if you don’t want to do it over the Internet, you can obtain an e-signature by going to various posts departments of the country you are in.
An electronic signature is proof of the contract of the person signing the document. In addition, the digital signature is proof that the document itself is authentic. Both are needed for a digital and online agreement to be verifiable and legally enforceable. It can be said that digital signature belongs to software while e-signature belongs to individuals.
As mentioned above, obtaining an e-signature is a process that varies per country. However, people who apply to government institutions for the purpose of obtaining e-signatures are required to have a document confirming their personal identity such as an identity card, driver’s license or passport, a qualified certificate, if any, and an application form.
● E-signature must be personal: Electronic signature belonging to a person or institution should not be used by other people and institutions.
● The e-signature must be certified by the state: In order to have an official value, the e-signature must be obtained from any government agency.
● The e-signature must be valid on official documents to be suitable for its purpose.
There are many conveniences of e-signature, apart from providing convenience to individuals and institutions or to settle many agreements on the internet.
● It is possible to say that one of its greatest benefits is for the environment, since e-signature is a signature made over the internet, unlike wet signatures, it helps to prevent paper waste.
● Especially in the processing of the document, time is saved thanks to e-signature. Documents can be signed by sending them to the necessary people without the need for documents to be scanned and printed.
● The document can be saved where the right people can access it when needed.
● E-signature can be used anytime and anywhere. Especially with the increase of working from home, thanks to e-signature, necessary people can easily sign the necessary documents without being in the office or company environment.
● Since e-signatures are personal, they cannot be forged and are more reliable.
As e-signature is reliable, it can be used for legal documents, contract agreements, invoices, financing documents and more. An electronic signature provides evidence that the signer agrees or accepts what is stated in the document.
Omar Hamida
Electronic signature, also known as e-signature can be simply described as a signature in electronic form. E-signature provides the approval and signing of the terms of a document electronically in the same manner as wet signature. Its only difference from wet signature is that it resides in an electronic environment such as the Internet. Thanks to electronic signatures, it is highly convenient to verify the identity of the person signing the document, certificate authority and security services.
With many e-signatures, companies can obtain legal approval via computer or smartphone while interviewing a representative. Thanks to their efficiency and customer experience advantages, they are more preferrable than wet signatures. Still, the details of e-signature legal requirements depend on the particular region and jurisdiction.
There are many ways to create an electronic signature. Primarily, e-signatures can be obtained corporately and individually. For official purposes, it may be necessary to apply various methods to verify your identity.
For example, it is possible to get an e-signature by sending some official documents belonging to you or your company through some applications and channels on the internet. Nevertheless, this method may not have official value. Especially in various countries such as Turkiye, it may be possible to obtain an official e-signature by submitting your personal documents to the relevant government institutions.
E-signature requirements vary per country. Although can obtain an e-signature over the Internet, whether it has any official value will depend on different factors. For instance, a website called DocuSign grants users the right to get e-signatures for free. After uploading the necessary documents and a copy of your wet signature on paper, your e-signature is ready. In addition, Microsoft has miscellaneous e-signature applications. Still, if you don’t want to do it over the Internet, you can obtain an e-signature by going to various posts departments of the country you are in.
An electronic signature is proof of the contract of the person signing the document. In addition, the digital signature is proof that the document itself is authentic. Both are needed for a digital and online agreement to be verifiable and legally enforceable. It can be said that digital signature belongs to software while e-signature belongs to individuals.
As mentioned above, obtaining an e-signature is a process that varies per country. However, people who apply to government institutions for the purpose of obtaining e-signatures are required to have a document confirming their personal identity such as an identity card, driver’s license or passport, a qualified certificate, if any, and an application form.
● E-signature must be personal: Electronic signature belonging to a person or institution should not be used by other people and institutions.
● The e-signature must be certified by the state: In order to have an official value, the e-signature must be obtained from any government agency.
● The e-signature must be valid on official documents to be suitable for its purpose.
There are many conveniences of e-signature, apart from providing convenience to individuals and institutions or to settle many agreements on the internet.
● It is possible to say that one of its greatest benefits is for the environment, since e-signature is a signature made over the internet, unlike wet signatures, it helps to prevent paper waste.
● Especially in the processing of the document, time is saved thanks to e-signature. Documents can be signed by sending them to the necessary people without the need for documents to be scanned and printed.
● The document can be saved where the right people can access it when needed.
● E-signature can be used anytime and anywhere. Especially with the increase of working from home, thanks to e-signature, necessary people can easily sign the necessary documents without being in the office or company environment.
● Since e-signatures are personal, they cannot be forged and are more reliable.
As e-signature is reliable, it can be used for legal documents, contract agreements, invoices, financing documents and more. An electronic signature provides evidence that the signer agrees or accepts what is stated in the document.